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Some thoughts on the brand-new Office Sway

Tim Themann

A lot of reviews of the brand-new Office Sway com­pare it to Pow­er­Point, tend to think of it as a replace­ment and even call it a “Pow­er­Point killer”. From my under­stand­ing, this is not what Sway is intend­ed for. Here are my two cents on posi­tion­ing Sway with­in the spec­trum of office pro­duc­tiv­i­ty tools:

On an aver­age Pow­er­Point slide, there are 30.8 words, two fifths of all Pow­er­Point slides con­tain more than 50 words. Though this might be the rea­son that “4/​5ths of all PPT pre­sen­ta­tions suck”​1 (Guy Kawasa­ki), we should real­ly hope that many of these “pre­sen­ta­tions” have nev­er been intend­ed to be pre­sent­ed to an audi­ence. In fact, many of them might be what Nan­cy Duarte calls a Slide­doc (see <http://​www​.duarte​.com/​slidedocs/>) – a pre­sen­ta­tion file which in fact is a doc­u­ment intend­ed to be read.

Duarte defines a slide­doc as “[…] a doc­u­ment cre­at­ed using pre­sen­ta­tion soft­ware, where visu­als and words unite to illus­trate one clear point per page […]” which “[…] can be read and digest­ed more quick­ly than either a doc­u­ment or a pre­sen­ta­tion.” and has a high “spread­abil­i­ty”.​2

As a mat­ter of fact, send­ing pre­sen­ta­tion files or offer­ing them for down­load is increas­ing­ly becom­ing a method of com­mu­ni­ca­tion – includ­ing, but not lim­it­ed to, cor­po­rate com­mu­ni­ca­tion. There­fore, there might be a clear case for slide­docs. Nonethe­less, in my eyes, using Pow­er­Point to cre­ate doc­u­ments to be read is an obvi­ous case of Maslow’s ham­mer. But don’t blame the ham­mer when you hit your thumb:

The arrival of Microsoft Office Sway (see Office Blogs) will add a third option – and might replace slide­docs as a com­mu­ni­ca­tion tool:

Unless you need detailed con­trol over the design or a fixed-size page lay­out, Sway might become the pre­ferred tool for the cre­ation of “slide­docs with­out slides”; sways (doc­u­ments cre­at­ed using Sway) might become a sub­sti­tute for slide­docs as an instru­ment of cor­po­rate com­mu­ni­ca­tion. Spread­ing them is extreme­ly easy and their respon­sive design has a huge advan­tage over (pre­sen­ta­tion) slides or (doc­u­ment) pages: As read­ers are increas­ing­ly using mul­ti­ple dif­fer­ent form-fac­tor devices for the con­sump­tion of infor­ma­tion, the con­cept of a fixed-size fixed-lay­out page (or slide) becomes more and more an obsta­cle for them.

With Sway, you will be able to cre­ate both, doc­u­ments to be read or con­tent to be pre­sent­ed. Though it might be tempt­ing to “recy­cle” one as anoth­er – do not mix that up:

As the bor­der between text doc­u­ments and pre­sen­ta­tion slides con­tin­u­ous­ly erodes, it becomes more and more impor­tant to choose the appro­pri­ate type of media. If you keep that in mind, Sway might become an extreme­ly use­ful part of your com­mu­ni­ca­tion toolbox.


  1.  <https://​twit​ter​.com/​g​u​y​k​a​w​a​s​a​k​i​/​s​t​a​t​u​s​/​5​1​5​0​1​5​2​1​6242118656>.
  2.  Duarte, Nan­cy, Slide­docs, (Sun­ny­vale: Duarte Inc., 2014), accessed Feb­ru­ary 25, 2014, <http://​www​.duarte​.com/slidedocs>, 6.
  3.  Or (if you tend to be dis­tract­ed by the over­whelm­ing mass of lay­out options) an edi­tor, see Allin Cotrell’s famous essay “Word Proces­sors: Stu­pid and Inef­fi­cient” at <>.
  4.  I high­ly rec­om­mend Garr Reynolds book “Pre­sen­ta­tion Zen” (here at Amazon).
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